Poisoned Mother Dog Uses Her Last Strength to Lift Her Head and Plead for Her Puppies’ Safety
“My heart shattered when we found Luna Luna”

She was a mother to six newborn puppies. After giving birth, she sought food, but cruelly, poisoned food was hidden under the car where she gave birth. Tragically, she consumed it and became trapped in her weakened state.

A young boy spotted Luna in her dire condition and, noticing an elderly person had left food, promptly called Pristina Dog Shelter. Upon arrival, the team found Luna struggling to breathe but still lifting her head, pleading for her puppies’ safety. A volunteer veterinarian administered an emergency injection to stabilize her condition.
She was taken to the Pristina Dog Shelter, where she was joyfully reunited with her puppies…

Despite being extremely weak and in need of rest, Luna remained stable. The next day, she was ready to receive her first injection, crucial for both her recovery and her puppies’ health. Though a bit nervous, she remained calm, displaying her gentle nature.

The vet conducted a thorough check-up the next morning, confirming that Luna’s health had improved. While her puppies were still too young for adoption, Luna was visibly overjoyed to have them by her side.
Luna displayed signs of affection and loyalty, making it clear she was once someone’s beloved pet, now sadly abandoned.
Some uplifting moments to cherish…

Even in her state of need, Luna nurtured Nikita and Luna (two other orphans rescued the day before). She selflessly allowed them to breastfeed as though they were her own, embodying the essence of a remarkable mother.

After spending 10 days at the shelter, Luna and her puppies were adopted by a loving family in Los Angeles—a home that Luna truly deserves.